Sofia Kappel is one of those actors who faced the most challenges in her first film only. The best thing about her is not the struggling journey; it is her ability to pick up the character that was so difficult to play.
When I first saw her in all those things, I didn’t know that it was her first movie. Yes, I’m not lying. It was the first time she ever appeared on the screen. Can you believe that? I mean, how can someone be so perfect and confident?
Well, it proves that actors nowadays hold much more potential than older ones. It’s the confidence that speaks. Would you like to know more about the movie and the experience?
Those who have already seen the movie can also read this article because it would be more about how she decided to perform and what she was thinking about the movie and her role.
The name of the movie is “Pleasure.” It was about a 17 year-old-girl who leaves her house to become a porn star. But the poor girl didn’t know that the path she was choosing would be much harder than she could have ever imagined.
Her Experience in playing the Role

Sofia Kappel was shooting for a movie as a lead actor for the first time. When the director first told her about the role, she got nervous. Yes, it’s obvious. If I were at her place, I would have never agreed.
But hats off to this girl; she hesitated but said yes to the role and all the unknown challenges that might dim her performance.
Sofia said that it was a confusing situation. She knew that her knowledge of acting was zero, and she was about to play a very difficult role. Her movie can be subject to criticism or controversy.
The actress also said that in life, she has always believed that what your instinct tells you not to do, you should do because when one does that, one overcomes fears.
She did something similar when she signed the contract for “Pleasure.” Have you seen her acting? Oh my, oh my! It’s just mind-blowing. The eyes, the facial expressions, and even the body language were just on point.
When I say good actors, this is what I mean. I know a lot of people might be judging her for doing such a movie, but art is naked, and there is nothing wrong with it.
Ending Words
So, what do you think? Isn’t it obvious that actors do feel nervous while doing something new? It is natural, but those who have the courage to do something new will always stand ahead.
I am happy for Sofia that she listened to nobody and did what her heart felt. It’s the artist who understands the art better than anyone else in this world. So, if you haven’t watched “Pleasure.” Watch it.
There’s always a first time; who knows, you might end up being famous like Renata Chlumska. Try it!