Clara Wilsey is the girl who played a negative role in “Tall Girl.” The series was actually about teenagers and their insecurities that are often not talked about.
Have you watched “Tall Girl?” If not, then let me explain this to you a little bit.
But before that, you must remember that Tall Girl is not about a teen love story. It is about a teenage girl fighting her insecurities and coming back stronger in the end.
So, if you ask me, I think it’s quite good. With that said, let’s discuss it and see whether you agree with me or not.
Tall Girl Synopsis
The story of Tall Girl is about Jodie, a 6ft tall teenage girl struggling to cope with her life at college. Why? Because she is too tall. She is not able to attract anyone, not able to build friendships properly.
You must be wondering why? Why would someone not be friends with a tall girl? This is where I was also mistaken. It is not about others but herself only.
She is struggling to accept herself. Unrealistic beauty standards disturb her a lot. Jodie always thinks that she is not good enough.
What happens next? Let me put this in simpler words. See, there are two types of characters in a movie, drama, or series. One is a round character. This kind of character develops and evolves throughout the drama.
The other one is the flat character. They don’t develop over the course of time. This is the conflict that takes place in the first and second seasons.
Jodie’s character is also a round character. She fights all her fears and becomes fearless. Moreover, Jodie also succeeds in attracting her lover. He also took the initiative to make herself comfortable with her height.
If you ask me, I don’t find anything further to do with this character or the storyline. Therefore, there was no need for any sequel.
However, they still did a remake. To be honest, it wasn’t that good. The characters didn’t move at all. It felt just unnecessary.
Moving forward, let’s talk about the sequel and why it wasn’t that good.

Tall Girl 2 Synopsis
As you may not have seen the second season, which is Tall Girl 2, I will not give any spoilers. But I will just mark the difference.
The story starts with Jodie’s relationship and how her insecurities again come her way, and they decide to separate.
But this season focuses more on teenage relationships and random love affairs rather than her anxiety.
So, this is something that disappointed the viewers. They could have done better. Moreover, you can find a lot of similarities with other rom-com movies.
The first season was not only about rom-com but the serious problems of teenage kids, like body insecurities, inferiority complex, and other things that are often neglected.
Moreover, the character of Clara Wilsey, who was pretty good in the first season, dies in the second. We see that she becomes good. Killing the entire charm of a negative character is never a good idea.
Did it Hamper Her Reputation?
Nope! Her Instagram is there. I know that it takes a long time to build your fame and one second to lose the same, but Clara Wilsey has proved that if you know how to act, losing your fame is not that easy.
Yes, it is true that Tall Girl didn’t perform well, But it is also true that her acting skills were just on point. If you go through her Instagram, you will find that her dressing sense and the way she carries herself are just perfect.
When asked about her inner self, one by one, she reveals everything. Clara Wilsey is a big foodie. She loves eating and exploring food.
Moreover, she also reveals that if she didn’t choose acting, she would have been in the restaurant industry.
I hope that she will be able to sustain her popularity and love.

Ending Words
So what do you think? Did Clara do the right thing by doing the second season? Well, I think that sometimes it is just not about the story or the potential success; sometimes it is just about the co-actors, the fun, and the memories.
Things don’t work as we want them to, and it is absolutely fine. Season 2 didn’t work, but Clara Wilsey will always rock. The ups and downs of Clara’s career remind me of a celebrity couple who knows how to balance richness and love. This article will help you to know more about them – Laura Dotson and Dan Doston’s Auction Journey.